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Door County is home to 93 registered sex offenders in week ending Oct. 29

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There was the same number of registered sex offenders living in Door County in the week ending Oct. 29 compared to the previous week, according to the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry.

There were 93 sex offenders registered in Door County in the week ending Oct. 29.

The Registry shows 90 of these sex offenders are White.

Black and Hispanic Americans are more likely than White Americans to be given lengthy prison terms after being found guilty of sexual assault offenses. Between 2006 and 2017, sentencing for sexual abuse convictions among Black people increased by 1,330.47%, while sentences for White people fell by 8.66%.

Wisconsin, which ranks eighth for the overall number of sex offenders, ranks fifth for sex offenders per 100,000 residents.

A total of 767,023 people were listed on state sex offender registries as of April 2022. This is approximately a two percent decrease from 2021.

Frequently updated information about sex offenders in Wisconsin can be found online here.

Registered sex offenders in Door County as of week ending Oct. 29

Allen SeverinWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Andrew T. PhelpsWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Anthony AppersonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Augustine GonzalesWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Auston J. SmithWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Bernard G. RehorWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Bradley BraunWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Bradly W. PelletierWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child, indecency with a child
Bruce S. PaschkeWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Carl D. BeckstromWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, child enticement
Charles E. ReedWhiteMolestation of a child
Christopher MerrimanWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Christopher R. BlaschukWhiteCause child to view or listen to sexual activity
Danial L. ThiryWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Daniel O. BaderWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
David J. JensenWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
David L. MartinWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
David M. MccambridgeWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Duaine L. OhmanWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Edward C. AugustineWhiteUse of a computer to facilitate a child sexual crime, possession of child pornography
Francis J. BosackiWhiteCause child under 13 to view/listen sexual activity
Francisco EstradaWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Gaylord E. GartmanWhiteCriminal sexual conduct - 4th degree, causing mental harm to a child
Gerald J. HollmanWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Glenn A. LongleyWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Howard HamiltonWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault
Jace SchmelzerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Jake R. KyllonenWhiteExposing a child to harmful materials
James D. McpheeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
James GoodWhiteSexually violent person commitment, child enticement
Janice L. RedemannWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jason C. BurnsWhiteStatutory sodomy 1st degree
Jeffrey A. ComfortWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, third-degree sexual assault
Jeffrey A. PierzchalskiWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Jeffrey WelchAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Joel L. DebaucheWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
John D. CaseyWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
John J. KayeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
John J. NessingerWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Joshua A. BordeauWhiteUse of a computer to facilitate a child sexual crime, child enticement
Joshua J. FranklinWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Joshua P. BlasierWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Justin J. WrobelWhiteSexual exploitation of child, third-degree sexual assault
Karl O. JessWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Keith M. PahnkeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Kevin Shea KellyWhiteLewd activity with a child under 14
Kirk F. PoehlerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault, first-degree sexual assault of a child
Kody R. KernWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Larry D. AndersonWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Larry D. VoightWhiteCriminal sexual conduct 4th degree
Lathanial LavioletteWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Laurie TerryWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Leon L. ServaesWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Lynn D. TeschendorfWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Mark J. JohnsonWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Mason A. SoperWhiteExposing genitals to a child
Matthew A. VanboesschotenWhitePossession of child pornography
Michael A. PaschkeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, first-degree sexual assault of a child
Michael A. WorrickWhiteAttempted distribution of child pornography over the internet
Nicholas Allen BoylenWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Nickolas H. BirchWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Noah H. BuchbergerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Paul C. HaanWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Paul David PolsterWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Paul Robert MckinneyWhiteChild enticement
Paul T. RiceWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Randy J. FinchAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeForcible lewd activity upon a child
Randy PichetteWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Richard J. SieraskiWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Robert K. RodriguezWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Robert S. FellnerWhiteSexual assault of a student by school staff
Roger W. HaskellWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault, sexually violent person commitment
Russell A. NielsenWhiteRepeated acts of sexual assault against same child
Ryan R. OsterkampWhiteThird-degree sexual assault
Santanna M. BrunetteWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Scot T. SnowWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Scott F. FarleyWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Sharon M. FisherWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault
Shawn VirleeWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child, sexually violent person commitment, first-degree sexual assault of a child
Teejay L. VandertieWhitePossession of child pornography
Thomas C. WecklerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Thomas J. LischkaWhiteChild enticement, first-degree sexual assault of a child
Thomas J. SchlaissWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
Thomas Neal TourtillottAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Thomas R. LischkaWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Thomas S. EskewWhiteCriminal sexual assault
Tobin J. WendtWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child, possession of child pornography
Todd W. ShewchukWhiteChild enticement
Wesley S. SeekinsWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
William J. WecklerWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault of a child
William Joseph HendricksonWhitePossession of child pornography
William Robert ChouinardWhiteFirst-degree sexual assault of a child
Wyatt J. HupfWhiteSecond-degree sexual assault, third-degree sexual assault